Day 38
On day 38 of 100 Days of Leith, John Evans of Leith Trust calls for contributions to Leith Gives.
Leith Gives is a collaboration of around 34 (and growing) North Edinburgh organisations from the public, private and third sector mixed together with a healthy sprinkling of brilliant individuals. We are an arm of The Leith Trust.
We set out to bring a few front - line organisations together and help out with providing food to vulnerable families and individuals across December and January. In three short months we have grown to a team of over 200 people helping those vulnerable families and individuals with:
food poverty through delivering supplies of food;
digital poverty through providing devices such as laptops and tablets and pre-loaded wifi;
allowing families to celebrate Christmas with respect and dignity through providing gifts for children and older folk.

We’re also focused on helping those who have fallen through the cracks and perhaps face hardship for the first time and don’t know where to turn so we’re helping with practical advice and guidance.
Leith Gives doesn’t replace the great front-line organisations we have in Leith; we are simply here to help those organisations do what they do best with vulnerable families and individuals by working behind the scenes to find funding, offer support and organise additional volunteers.
Christmas has been really important, but January will be even more so as the toughest time of the year kicks in after the festive period.
So, we are going to work hard to make sure that Leith Gives isn’t just for Christmas.
Keep up to date with all Leith Gives by following them on Facebook, Twitter and signing up to the newsletter. Links below: